MASSCreative, Massachusetts College of Liberal Arts & leaders and supporters from the Berkshire creative community invited the public to come together and strengthen the arts advocacy voice in the Berkshires.

Student Reviews & Reactions

The Tell Your Story workshop focused on personal narrative and how your own experiences with the arts can give voice to the art organaztion you advocate for. When I think organization, I think professional and objective, but this workshop taught me otherwise; that you can be professional and emotively subjective in order to get people really listening. The workshop fascillitator shared her art experiences from childhood in a well-crafted and honest narrative, and among all the stories I heard throughout the event, her story certainly sticks with me the most because her dedication to the arts is apparent throughout the majority of her life. As I heard her speak, I thought to myself that’s someone I want to work with.
– Erica Barreto, English Communications; Creative Writing Major
I really enjoyed hearing from the guest speakers, especially Michlle Daly because she is one of the featured artists at Gallery 51 where the Advocacy Workshop took place. In class, we used Michelle and Shelley Chamberlin’s Gallery Sheet as an example on how to craft one of our own. To see the exhibit in person as well as hear her speak on her creative process positively change my perspective of the Gallery Sheet. Her language and articulation paralleled what we read, and it encouraged me to really digest an exhibit or event before I take on the task of writing it for the benefit of my audience. The Workshop itself taught me a lot about advocacy, but the setting of Gallery 51 was also eye opening, which only heightened my overall experience with MASSCreative.
– Cooper Gangemi, Arts Management
I found the workshop pretty uplifting. It was great to see so many local arts advocates gathered in one place, and especially in MCLA’s Gallery 51. The beginning introductions clearly stated MASSCreative’s mission of building healthy, vibrant communities with strong roots in the arts. And their present board members clearly personified their visionfor cultivating the arts in communities. Their interaction with the crowd provoked multiple constructive suggestion towards encouraging arts participation. It was awesome to hear their board members talk about their experience of getting to where they are today. I was happy to partake in the workshop and thrilled to hear it was a great success.
– Jacob Davis, Arts Management